Thursday 30 September 2010

Pretty things, and the logic in hiding them.

Interestingly yesterday was Wear It Pink Day.
From what I can establish this means we should have all worn pink, and donate money, to show our hatred for breast cancer.
Well, I half took part, unknown to me.

Obviously I didn't donate money, as I was unaware that the day existed, but I did wear something pink. Or at least partially pink.

I had some brash multi-coloured underwear on. No, not a frilly G-String as I know some of you assumed. Just some boxers.

But it got me wondering: why did I need multi-coloured underwear?

I mean, moving past the frivolous singular reason why someone might see your underwear, having pink/yellow/white/blue boxers in a stripey pattern doesn't do a whole lot of good for anyone.

It's the same thing as these girls shoes I sometimes see with a pretty, flowery pattern on the in-fucking-side. Why? To reward your feet for carrying you around all day?

I mean I can see the fun in wearing obscure/humorous/attractive socks, because at least when you take your shoes off people can see them. But the inside of shoes?
Surely someone has to be taking a very serious interest in your shoes to see it.

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