Monday 13 September 2010

Potential employers, and why they definitely should/not read this blog.

I have neglected to blog recently. Slightly out of being a bit busy, and slightly out of laziness.

I was thinking, I wonder if it occurs to potential employers to read blogs, or even social networking sites. I mean, the likelyhood is that they will be in Brighton, or close, so on Facebook, for example, when they search "David Wells" my name is likely to pop up early amongst the many hundreds of other David Wells's on Facebook. With the basic information they already have about me they would be able to be sure that the profile they had chosen was the correct me, and then they would be able to look through to get a better idea of what I am like.

This presents a problem.

If this potential employer were to go through my Facebook, they would immediately find a link to my blog. Now, given that a lot of the jobs I apply to are based around writing, it's not unreasonable to suggest that they would look at the blog to see if I can actually write.

It's not so much that I would be ashamed about the skill of the writing in this blog. I mean, certainly I could improve the articulation, I can definitely write better than this if I were to draft and re-draft, but I don't bother, because it's just a personal blog, talking about rubbish like this. But overall I don't mind this blog. It's punctuated correctly and grammatically sound, and it shows my ability to write and blindly assume about many different things.

The problem is the content would reveal deeper personal truths about me.

Reading this blog, for example, would reveal to said potential employer that I become "lazy" when "a bit busy", and also that I "blindly assume" quite often.

Of course, one would hope that the employer would realise that the context is important; that my personal blog is often going for surrealist humour over the truth about my life, or that being a bit lazy about writing blogs would be a bit different if I was being paid to do it.

So if you are reading this, potential employer:

Give me a job.

NOTE: I originally wanted to finish with "Give me a fucking job." but re-reading it, I realised that it looked as though I was advertised my services for the sex industry. Also it had a nasty swear in it.

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