Thursday 4 November 2010

Wow, Kings of Leon supporting Attack! Attack! at Brighton Audio... no? Oh.

I get annoyed when people listen to a song and at the end they say:
"It just sounds like..." and then pick an arbitrary song that mildly sounds the same.

That annoys me because everything has been done before. Everyone is re-using the same sounds. Fundamentally because that is what we have become conditioned to like.

I illustrate my point with a video I have probably posted before:

But last night I went to a gig and I became the very thing that annoys me.

Headlining the gig was Welsh band Attack! Attack! famous for their (and I use the term extremely loosely) "hit" 'Not Afraid'.
We'll get to them in a minute.

I was there to see Verses. The band with my close compadre Joe on the lead guitar.

But the first band was City Stereo.
I quite liked them. They aren't really my style. But they had a song called 'Lothario'. As I listened, I thought to myself "this sounds like 'Use Somebody' by Kings of Leon".
When I got home and listened to it, I changed my mind.
It is a complete rip-off of it.
Not so much the verse. But the chorus manages to similtaneously plaguerise both the verse AND the chorus of 'Use Somebody'.

Take a listen:

I don't think it's a bad song. Just a rip-off. I don't know if the two things are mutually exclusive.

Verses were awesome as usual. Highly recommended. But I guess if you read this blog, the chances are you have already heard of Verses and made up your own mind.
Nevertheless, their songs are good, and much more interesting than Attack! Attack! or City Stereo's and don't rip anyone off.

Attack! Attack!'s set was anticlimactic. Their performance was energetic, but the singer was a bit average, and so were the songs, really.

The other support band Freeze The Atlantic were good too.

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