Friday 5 November 2010

For anyone who knows Joe Keating.

I was trying to find out what series American Dad! had got up to when I stumbled across the American Dad! wikia.

I decided to read the page on Roger the Alien. I scrolled down to the personality section and read through.
Only after did it occur to me that if you change nothing but the name "Roger" to "Joe", and a couple family names, it an EXACT biography of Joe Keating.

Take a look:

Joe is seen as the 'Adam Sandler' of the family, that is, a comedic clown. His sexuality isn't known but he is either gay or at least bisexual. He longs to be a celebrity and have others adore him. To shut out the total misery of his ordinary life, and to cope with being locked inside a house all day, Joe turns to alcohol.

Joe's flamboyant and dramatic nature is enhanced by his alcohol dependency. This nature often clashes with the conventional attitudes and demeanor of the other Keating's.

Joe has a weak nature and will change sides in an argument almost immediately if he feels threatened. His desires are often superficial. Instead of taking responsibility Joe will often deny making mistakes.

He does not consider other's feelings before acting and will often take before asking. Joe is fragile in nature and longs for connection with people, but his forthright nature often prevents this from happening. Joe's species are biologically incapable of being nice.

Joe's species has also been known to excrete gold and jewels. However, neither Joe, nor any of his species, or the Keating family have realized that his waste is considered valuable on Earth. This is probably beneficial as everyone who has discovered Joe's gold has had met a horrible ending.

Joe's political beliefs are unknown. One time when Tom was making a rant about the merits of socialism, Joe told him to shut up, although this is not known whether or not he wished for him to be quiet or he disagreed with his stance.

Joe Keating?

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