Wednesday 7 July 2010

I'm a liar, and you're a thief.

For some reason, if you misspell the URL to my blog with .blogpsot instead of .blogspot you get a rather hyperactive bible-based site. It's extremely long, and appears to have been designed by a 7-year-old with a basic knowledge of html.

I don't know why it exists.
I don't get a lot of things these days.

Having reached the ripe old age of 22, I've had the pleasure (and rather reoccuring displeasure) of meeting lots of different people. The number of displeasurable experiences vastly outnumber the pleasurable. Whether I know/knew them for many years, or just gave me a dissaproving look on a bus because I had long hair, I don't particularly want to pigeonhole them, and suggest they are genuinely bad people.

Sometimes I'm sure I come across as a good person, and other times I'm sure people would label me a knob. I walked past a Big Issue seller today, I had some money in my wallet, but I didn't stop, I just lowered my head, did my best not to make eye contact and gave a faint smile trying to suggest I was actually poorer than he was.
I don't do that all the time. Occasionally I do buy Big Issues, but more often than not I don't. Hey, I can't be wonderful all the time.

Of course, we aren't one dimensional characters in a TV show, sometimes I do good things for no reason, sometimes I do good things because I want people to think I'm a good person. Sometimes I do not such good things too. I'm sure that we have a tendancy to remember when people have done nasty things to us. More likely to remember a random sneer than a random smile.

Maybe that's why I have such a low opinion of people.
Or maybe it's just because most people are dicks.

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