Sunday 31 October 2010

Waiting, and how I always had to do it.

Have a little patience...

Now, whatever your opinion about Take That, I must admit I like the sentiment.
Patience is something I value very highly in people.
If I was rich businessman and owned a company where talented young people came to me looking for a job, I would be enigmatic and eccentric, and if people were impatient they wouldn't get the job.

There are a few things I place in the category with patience that I value.

Being on time is one. I hate it when people are late.
I really try hard to be there with plenty of time, and if I am going to be late I tell people.

Selflessness. That's a good one.

But back to patience.

As another example of pure conjecture, I think that people with last names starting with a letter late in the alphabet are more naturally patient.

My last name is Wells. Many other people have last names with late letters:
In this respect, I am not alone.

That means everytime a register was called at school, or indeed anything where you have to wait in alphabetical order, the late-letter people are alay waiting until the end.
And it happens every time, so they become naturally more patient.


1 comment:

  1. I want to see scientific evidence for this right now! Come on! Your taking too long! Oh wait, did I just prove your theory?
