Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Sharks and lightning.

In terms of fears, I suppose you could say that I am afraid of sharks.

Now, you could say that fear of sharks is an irrational fear... but it's not.

When I walk down the street I'm not afraid a shark is going to find it's way onto land, and hunt me down.

When I take a shower I'm not afraid a Great White will push it's way through the shower head and Jaws me to death.

That would be stupid.

I am afraid that if I went swimming in shark infested waters, a shark would find me and tear me to pieces. This is a perfectly rational fear.

I've read statistics that say you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than you are to be bitten by a shark.
I'm sure that this is true, but it's a false statistic.

As lightning strikes the Earth approximately 100 times a second, and can strike anywhere, humans are always at risk.
It's pretty rare that humans go swimming in shark infested waters.

I bet if you compared the likelyhood of someone being struck by lightning vs. bitten by a shark, whilst they were swimming in shark infested waters, I bet the stats would tell a different story.

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