Tuesday 14 December 2010

Biffy Clyro, and a kareoke singer covering 'Many of Horror'

So some random guy won X-Factor.
His name could be anything, I've only seen it a few times. Mark? Matt? Steve?

I don't have a clue, and I don't care.

I can only assume that the  "x-factor" that the show claims to be looking for can be defined as 'a good looking man who probably wouldn't win a kareoke contest in his local pub'.

Here is a video of his performance, and he is genuinely off-key on a lot of notes here.
He has chosen to cover a Biffy Clyro song.

Now, I'm a big fan of Biffy Clyro. And I this pub singers cover an insulting poor and emotionless piece of shit.
And I am confident you will see a backlash from Biffy Clyro fans, and fans of decent music, that might well produce a repeat of the 'Simon Cowell vs. real music' standoff that we saw last year.


I want a further opinion to be placed into the mix; an opinion that you might not hear very often.

And that opinion is that "Many of Horror" by Biffy Clyro is not a very good Biffy Clyro song. Biffy are a pop-drowned shadow of their former glory.
And the proof can be found in that fact that a talentless shit from the X Factor is able to cover their song and the 12/13 year olds (those both in phsyical and mental years) who enjoy X Factor don't abandon him.

Can you imagine "Glitter and Trauma" being covered on the X Factor? Take a listen and imagine it.


I'm afraid Biffy are nothing more than rocky pop music these days. I am pleased for their success and I still enjoy their songs for what they are.
But I've got to admit that it annoys me when I hear people talk about how fantastic the album 'Only Revolutions' is, when it is by far their weakest release.

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