Wednesday 11 January 2012

What am I going to do with my 2012?

It turned 2012 recently. You might be aware. Saying that, there do appear to be some people who have forgone the traditional calendar and now count their existence only in the number of X-Factor's they have lived through. If that is the case, then welcome to 9, the year of Mix.

I prefer the standard calendar, of course, so I will continue to use it.

I'm rather unsure of what to do with 2012 (or, indeed, the rest of my life but let's not wish my life away).

Fundamentally, I break down my life fairly simply. I have three main agendas:

1) Where I work.
2) Where I go on holiday.
3) Where I live.

(Note here I accidentally wrote 'love' instead of 'live' when I first came to write point 3, I wonder if it was subconscious. I have chosen to leave the idea of romance out of my potential plans. I don't have any plans in that department. Well, no, that's a lie. I've got loads, but they wont materialise because I live in my own fantasy world. So instead, I'll just push it to the side, it'll happen when it happens.)

So here we go:

1) Work is sort of complex. To a certain extent, I like my current full-time job. There is a nice office environment and I like the people I work with. Pressure is very limited and I don't tend to feel any stress. I'm also relatively mindful of the fact that there isn't much better out there.

Jobs are few in the creative industries, so for the moment I count myself a bit lucky that I simply have a job that I don't hate.

There could be some changes on the horizon though. I write part-time (but ever increasingly) as a sort of jack-of-all-trades copywriter. I'd love to be able to do it full time, but getting work is a slow process.

The more I get, the more I can think about leaving my current job, or at least reducing the hours.

2) Now, I love holidays. There are quite literally too many places to list that I'd like to visit, so here are just a sample:

  • Road trip down the West Coast of America - starting in Seattle, WA and moving down the cost through Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, then coming a little in land from some Las Vegas casino-and-bright-lights action.
  • Cities in central Europe - I have a desire to see a load of the cities in central Europe, just to go and sample the culture. Ideally I'd see them over the course of a few trips. I could even do like weekend breaks. Sample a museum, or art gallery, sample a couple of decent restaurants, sample a couple of decent bars. Sounds pretty good to me. Cities include Prague, Vienna, anywhere in Germany, Amsterdam, Budapest
  • Livingstone, Zambia and Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. I have a fascination with Africa, and certainly so with Zimbabwe. This is a particularly touristy part of Africa but its also a wonderfully naturally beautiful area.
  • I'm quite intrigued by Windhoek, Namibia as well. For the urban aspect of Africa.
  • India - at first it wasn't a place I thought I had any interest in, but the more I think about it the more it seems like a great idea. I love Indian food (and not just greasy Anglo-Indian stuff [although I do love that] that is made delicious mainly by cream and butter) and I'd love to experience real India. 
  • I want beach holidays - literally anywhere with a beach and sunshine so I can relax and read or go swimming or eat seafood for a week or so. Portugal would be great, or Spain or Turkey, and somewhere more exotic like Dominican Republic or Morocco would work even better for me.
  • Another road trip, this time around New England in the north-east of America. Get to see Boston, the Basketball Hall of Fame, Six Flags New England, the fall colours and all the clam chowder I can get my hands on. 
  • I'd really love to visit Tahiti. But it would probably be rendered pointless with a partner.
  • Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos and Thailand intrigue me. Probably Thailand the most, even though it is obviously the most touristy. But almost everywhere around that way intrigues me, mainly for the food and the culture. I think I'd be a bit worried by the terminal lack of the English language, though.
  • Certainly some backpacking around New Zealand would be great. And to a lesser extent I'd like to revisit Australia, mainly for the beaches. If I found myself in that part of the world I'd love to take the time to visit Fiji.
  • There's a couple more US road trips too. The deep South and the the mid-West (Chicago and what not), plus Texas and the surrounding area. Then I'd have to complete it by going to the other states. Hawaii would be nice of course, to get away from the continent. Canada too.
  • I want to go to Scandinavia, and go up and see the Northern Lights.
  • I've got some interest in first world Asia too, South Korea seems to appeal more to me than Japan or China but I would like to visit all three. North Korea somehow also fascinates me too, morbidly. I'd like to go just to say I'd been.
EDIT: I'll finish the rest later.

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