Monday 16 January 2012

A sad fact.

There is a fact.

It is a fact that my family and I have had to deal with for a while now. It came to a head this weekend.

It's a sad fact, but it's true nevertheless. My mum discriminates on the basis of colour.

She'll admit it to your face, she doesn't care who knows. White is the only colour for her, and I think that's the way it's always been. I don't think we should judge her badly on it, it's just the way she was brought up.

She feels uncomfortable whenever non-whites are in the house, and I've seen her get genuinely angry because of it.

This weekend, she called someone up to come and physically remove some non-whites from our home.

Yes, I'm afraid it is true. My mum only likes white toilet roll.

There, I've said it. It's out in the open.
She made an order with Asda's online shopping department, and ordered 12 toilet rolls. White.

Unfortunately it seems the none were available, so they substituted them for peach-coloured ones.

Despite the fact that we had run out of toilet rolls, my mum sent them back. I couldn't believe it when I heard. I mean, is bathroom sartorial elegance so important.

I was just dumbfounded. I think I had been quite looking forward to the peach-coloured toilet roll. A welcome change. But no, she sent them back.

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