Friday 2 December 2011


Now, I'm terrible at drawing. Any type of art, in fact, that doesn't involve words. I can't sculpt, or paint, or arrange or anything. I am artistically numb.

A mouse. Obviously.
To 'illustrate' this (ha ha ha), here is a picture of a mouse I attempted to draw from memory:

This isn't a joke. This is what happened when I tried to picture a mouse, and then attempted to make my hand reproduce it.

See, I think I have two problems in terms of drawing.

The first problem is that I clearly can't draw. Now, I could potentially learn. But the second problem makes this pointless. The second problem is that I can't visualise things. I can't see in my mind what a mouse might look like. I know what it looks like. But I can't see it. I can remember bits, but not the mouse a whole.
You know, as I describe it sounds more and more like a mental illness. Maybe that's true.

With that in mind. I have decided to become an artist.
I might even buy some nice paint and paint brushes and start doing some nice pictures.

My mum recommended I do abstract works. I replied that I felt I was incapable of not doing abstract works.

I plan to become a millionaire from the art-work that I despise, whilst my writing goes unnoticed. I would come to hate everything I stand for, and eventually attempt some sort of creative suicide.

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