Saturday, 17 April 2010

Anything but THEM.

The British election is coming up, and I think I have come up with a brilliant plan.
We have a pre-election, where you have two options:

A) Conservatives.
B) NOT The Conservatives.

This would mean that people like myself, and others I know who have the constant dilemma of "should I vote Labour just to keep the Tories out" would no longer have that problem. Then it would come down to an actual sensible vote where the Lib Dems might have a fair chance of getting in.

I decided a while back that I was either going to vote Green Party or Liberal Democrat.
I have a 100% voting record of Green Party, but I think this time I might vote Lib Dem. I think they *might* have a better chance. Maybe not in Southwick which appears to be full of old people and idiots who keep voting in Tim Loughton despite the piss poor job he does.

But Lib Dems seem like they've made up some ground. Everyone hates Labour. Everyone's wise to the Tories. So maybe they've got a chance. Green's dont have a chance. But they might grab a seat if they're lucky. Same for BNP and UKIP, much to my dismay. (Just as a side point, BNP and UKIP are prime example of the "it's everyone's fault but my own" school of thought, and if anyone, anyone who reads this blog votes for them, you can be fucking ashamed of yourself).

What will *probably* happen, despite the fact that sanity suggests it shouldnt. Is Lid Dems will get something like 20%, Labour will get 25%, and the Tories will get about 45% odd, which just seems insanity to me, because the Tories do not have policies which will benefit 45% of the population. Maybe 25%, but not any more than that.

Yes. I realised it has got to the stage where I am pulling random numbers out of the air because I'm annoyed. I have no idea really. Maybe everyone will benefit from a Tory government, maybe they'll be amazing. But I very much doubt it.

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